As an organization, BOLD is committed to empowering real people with real relational and contextual resources necessary to go and to grow to the next level.
Featured Articles
The goal of BOLD’s website is to inspire you to believe and to test your untapped potential. takes the user on a journey, using various platforms and to tap into each person’s potential. Each section of this homepage is designed with an calls-to-action, always ready to produce the heart of vision. Business Outreach Lord Directed is a non-profit interdenominational outreach which gives adult consideration to the teachings of Jesus Christ and how they can be applied to the marketplace. We have been meeting weekly since 1989, starting on Park Avenue and then to Broadway, and finally in the New York Stock Exchange. BOLD’s passion is to explore the New Testament and ask how they are relevant to us today, in our careers, our family and our relationships. BOLD Ministry, Inc. serves the New York City marketplace through prayer, study of the Scripture, leadership and transitional training events with the purpose of presenting relevant applications of faith in the workplace.
Patient Continuance
Definition of patient continuance: steadfastness, constancy, and endurance. A person possessing patient continuance is defined by loyalty, faith and piety. (A modern definition of piety is an individual who regularly seems to have God finish his/her sentences.)...
3 Paths to Breakthrough
Thy word that I find and did eat it and it became unto me the joy and rejoicing of my life.Satan cannot change what God has already done; what he can do is attempt to manipulate what God has said. Genesis 3:1. 1. Question what God has said.2. Distrust God's plan. 3....
A Man of Hope Look at Job: he was victimized by the evil actions of the enemy. But Job never allowed the enemy any jurisdiction over his hope. Our hope is our fortress. Job declared, Though he slay me, yet will I trust him. Job 13:15. Joseph demonstrated the...
How Resilient People Stay Evergreen
Evergreen One of the qualities of a great evergreen tree is that in the seasons of cold and wind and snow, the evergreen stays green. The tree, despite the frigid temperatures, continues to function even when all the other trees have given up their leaves. An...
Testimony of Lucinda Lysek
Featured Testimony: Lucinda Lysek How God Took My 2 NEVERS and Turned them into Forevers! I grew up in the church, but never paid attention or had any interest in going to church. I heard the name Jesus in Sunday school, but I had no idea that He was God incarnate, or...
BOLD Annual Meeting
On March 14th, 2023, Business Outreach Lord Directed Ministry, Inc. [AKA BOLD Ministry] will be conducting its annual meeting on a Zoom call at 7:45am. For further information, please email, Anthony DiMaio at doublerriver at gmail dot com if you would like to...
2 Chronicles 7:14
Our culture is infected with a virus of consumption. Nothing is ever enough. There's always something better. Paul writes in the Epistles I have learned to be content with all things. Godliness and contentment are great gain. Again this goes back to the dialogue in...
Insights from Proverbs 30
But our citizenship is in heaven. As we eagerly await the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20 One of the dynamics within scripture is duality. The apostle Paul, who wrote extensively in the New Testament about our identity in Christ, who we are, our...
Invest in Yourself with Acknowledged Life
Living a Life that brings you to places that force you to grow into all that you are capable. That is what an Acknowledged Life produces in all of us.