Our culture is infected with a virus of consumption. Nothing is ever enough. There’s always something better. Paul writes in the Epistles I have learned to be content with all things. Godliness and contentment are great gain. Again this goes back to the dialogue in Genesis 3 where Eve was looking at the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Because she was forbidden to eat its fruit, she thought that she was missing something. Whenever God commands us not to do something, it is not intended to be bait, but rather it is usually second best to what He has for us. Nothing can limit God unless we choose to limit Him. Choice is not only a gift; it can be a curse if it isn’t understood and functioning in the way that it was designed. Love is based upon the Power of Choice: that is why it is such an amazing concept to apprehend, where it says in John for God so loved the world. Love is a choice, love is an action, and love is an identity. Whatever you love will determine who you are.